Find the best Remote Freelance Platforms for You

how can you find remote freelance work online

The Best Platforms to Find Remote Freelance Work Remote working seems like the ultimate dream job, but it’s not always a walk in the park. Especially for freelancers, work can either be feast or famine. When one job ends, the search to find new remote freelance gigs begins. It’s a cycle that never stops, and […]

Home Office Life: Natalie Butka – VA, SMM and language teacher


This is a series of interviews with people who work from home and share their great (and not so great) experiences. If you would like to get featured, please fill out the short questionnaire here. What’s your name and where are you from? Where do you live currently? My name is Natalie and I am […]

Remote Working for Architects


Have you ever noticed that in a lot of Hollywood movies, architects are often portrayed as the struggling office worker? From Adam Sandler in Click to Woody Harrelson in Indecent Proposal, architects are usually seen as struggling employees who just can’t get a break. In reality, many architects across the world are underpaid and overworked. […]