The Magic of KonMari Cleaning your Home Office

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Are you ready to spark joy in your home office?

Marie Kondo, best-selling author and pioneer of the KonMari method of cleaning, has gained many fans over the years for her charming approach to cleaning. With her small frame and perpetual smile, she turns organizing into a delightful dive through possessions. With the goal of keeping only things that “spark joy”, Kondo advocates the use of emotions in organizing. When it comes to the austere home office, however, how can you put your emotions at play?

The answer, according to Kondo, lies in how you define “joy” in the office. Your office can become a source of happiness and energy if you organize it properly. Follow these tips from the Queen of Decluttering and turn your work space into the next Kondo conquest.

Turn your Home Office into a place for joy and productivity – Marie Kondo style

1. Forego that rock album blaring in the background.

In general, Kondo recommends cleaning spaces in silence. When it comes to your home office, this practice would allow you to organize things more quickly and more efficiently. While there are many distractions that lie beyond your work space, the radio shouldn’t be one of them. Opt for a quiet background while organizing and you’ll have more time to spend doing other stuff.

2.  Designate bins for keeping, for discarding, and for deciding later on.

Some personal items can make you feel closer connected to your work space

This might sound redundant, but you have to be organized in organizing. Sort through stuff and divide them into at least three groups: items for keeping, items for discarding, and items you are undecided about. It would be useful to put the items in boxes such as these Neaterize sloped baskets. Kondo insists that you have to aim to discard as many things as possible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep a few sentimental items for display.

3. Let go of that hefty almanac.

Kondo dictates a specific order in tidying: focus first on books, then papers, then miscellaneous items, and finally, sentimental possessions. Though this might sound painful to book lovers, the KonMari method recommends discarding as many books as possible, especially those that you haven’t read through. Don’t read while tidying up. Instead, hold the book close to you, close your eyes, and ask yourself if it sparks joy.

The joy of e-books

You might feel ebooks are lacking that beautiful feel and smell of real books, but when you take 10 e-books on a trip with you for the first time it’s a wonderful feeling. Amazon has a wide selection of Kindle Readers and a huge ebook library. The Kindle Paperwhite is the perfect balance of features, price, and size. Sites like also offer a wide range of free e-ebooks.

When it comes to papers, keep only those that you always need on hand or are currently using. Throw away the rest. If you really need to store information, take photos instead. Using a service like Evernote to digitize your files is incredibly handy.

4. Admit it – money sparks joy.

The KonMari method of organizing is all about keeping things that spark joy. When it comes to the home office, however, joy doesn’t necessarily mean a bout of happiness. It can translate into items that help you make money and help your business grow. For example, the photocopier doesn’t usually incite glee, but if it helps make your job easier, then it’s worth keeping. If you’re keen on keeping equipment out of sight though, innovative ideas such as a printer basket from the DIY Playbook might work out for you.

5. Toys might not belong to your home office after all.

For the things that you choose to keep, assign a place for each one of them. Segregate professional and personal items. Relocating private items to another room in the house would be best. There is room, however, for sentimental stuff in the office. Just make sure that these are not distracting to your work.

If you have a cabinet in the office or plan to build one, organize the items that they will contain. Place small items in simple, open boxes for easier organization. Don’t focus on fancy containers, a well-organized space becomes a thing of beauty on its own. Try building your own storage space like this minimalist DIY hanging shelf by Colleen Pastoor.

6. Clean a bit every day and you never have to clean thoroughly again.

Things are rarely this neat, but it’s worth making an effort

Once you have managed to organize your items in the office, remember to tidy up a little bit each day. Return things to their proper places after each use to avoid misplacing the items.

If you plan to buy new equipment or add new items to your workplace, assess first if these things would really spark joy for your business. Don’t buy stuff that you would only use for a short time, it might be more practical to borrow or rent one temporarily. Constantly maintain your upkeep, and you don’t have to spend days cleaning thoroughly any time soon.

7. Kiss your old items goodbye.

Letting go is a difficult thing to do, especially when it comes to possessions. For each item that you choose to discard, whisper a word of thanks to show gratitude for all of its years of service. Discarding doesn’t necessarily mean throwing the item in the trash. If you think that there is someone who might have better use for it, donate instead or give it to a friend.

Make your workspace a place where you feel joy

In setting up your home office, remember to be as cheerful as Marie Kondo. Even though the KonMari method might seem quirky, it turns an everyday chore into an interesting experience. Many people swear by its efficiency. Moreover, people in the office benefit from more organized spaces. From healthier work environments to reduced stress levels, a tidy office offers numerous gains.

Turn your home office into a joyful place of creativity. The KonMari method allows you to see things with fresh eyes and appreciate every item you own. While discarding some stuff might seem a waste, you actually gain more space and time in return.

You can let your office reflect who you are

Over all, Marie Kondo offers you a chance to reinvent yourself. Cleaning the KonMari way is about finding joy in the things you do, instilling comfort in your personal space, and rediscovering your priorities. Beyond decluttering, the method encourages you to reflect on your principles and express them through your space. At the end of the day, the goal is simply to bring you happiness. And if you’re happy, chances are you’ll be the best person you can be at work. For more on Marie Kondo and her innovative methods, follow her at

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