How Choosing a Standing Desk Can Help You Be Healthier and More Productive

standing desks can help you be more productive

A Standing Desk might be great addition to your home office If you work from home, then you probably spend a fair amount of your time each day sitting at your desk. Sitting down for extended periods has a variety of health issues and can lead to back problems, so you may want to consider […]

Home Office Life: Natalie Butka – VA, SMM and language teacher


This is a series of interviews with people who work from home and share their great (and not so great) experiences. If you would like to get featured, please fill out the short questionnaire here. What’s your name and where are you from? Where do you live currently? My name is Natalie and I am […]

Home Office Life: Michael Bauer/ M.O.B. Design


This is a series of interviews with people who work from home and share their great (and not so great) experiences. If you would like to get featured, please fill out the short questionnaire here. What is it you do? I’m a Berlin-based art director for motion and web design. You can find my work […]

Working Big in a Small Space


Nowadays, space costs a lot. Every inch of floor, every bit of wall translates into an asset. Especially in urbanized areas, it’s just too expensive to waste space. How to make the most out of your home office space When it comes to the place where you work, you need just enough space to do […]